Formed over 15 Years ago, A12North’s remit or founding principle was to assist all folks to get outdoors and enjoy this great country. So many shops were springing up selling hi performance gear, possibly made from Lycra. We did not want to be one of them. We are more old boots, army surplus jacket, shoulder bag and decent set of binoculars. We do not encourage folk to come back from a long walk with stats on heart rate, steps and route. We do encourage coming back with a bag full of snaffled veg, the odd bunny for the pot and a good feeling because you have watched a slightly rare mammal catch a fish.
As time has moved forward we have gained extra staff and with it new directions and product ranges.
All Items are shipped within 12/24 hours. Shipping is mostly via Royal Mail services. Heavy items over 2kg are sent via another courier.
Returns are fine if the item is faulty or some other issue. We are extremely fair and understanding and hope all our customers are the same.
If you are outside the UK and would like to order from us, please use the contact us form and let us know what you would like and where in the world you are. We can then calculate shipping rates.